CSTLABEL PROCEDURE CLABDSGN && Main program use cstlabel in sele() order label_name sele cstlabel declare labels[reccount(),1] copy to array labels field label_name *----------------------------------------------------------------- * NAME * CLABDSGN.PRG - Main program for form. *----------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE lTalk, lVoid, cOldProc, cFormRun, cDispMode, cNewMode IF SET( 'TALK' ) = 'ON' SET TALK O LABEL_NAME ----------------------------------- *-- Make sure that FormRun.dbo file is active. *-- If this program is part of a linked exe *-- you must either include FORMRUN.DBO in your *-- Project file or make sure that FORMRUN.DBO *-- is in the same directory as your exe file. *-- Please note that the Automatic Link feature *-- doesn't notice FORMRUN.DBO because of the *-- macro expansion for the SET PROCEDURE. *---------------------------------------------- cOldProc = SET( 'PROCEDURE' ) IF [dBASE Compiler] $ VERSION(0) SET PROCEDURE TO FORMRUN ELSE cFormRun = HOME() + 'FORMRUN' SET PROCEDURE TO ( cFormRun ) ENDIF #include "CLABDSGN.DFM" IF TYPE("CLABDSGN.SetDisp") = "L" .AND. TYPE("CLABDSGN.DispMode") = "C" IF CLABDSGN.SetDisp cDispMode = SET('DISPLAY') cNewMode = CLABDSGN.DispMode SET DISPLAY TO &cNewMode CLABDSGN.Height = CLABDSGN.nHeight ENDIF ENDIF *------------------------------------------- *-- If ModalForm is missing from .DFM set it *------------------------------------------- IF TYPE( 'CLABDSGN.ModalForm' ) # 'L' CLABDSGN.ModalForm = .T. && Assume modal form if not set ENDIF *----------------------------------- *-- Open the form based on ModalForm *----------------------------------- IF CLABDSGN.ModalForm *----------------------------------- *-- Use Readmodal() to open the form *----------------------------------- CLABDSGN.Act LABEL_NAME NewDisks sub_ren LABEL_NAME NewDisks td sub_ren td DougSoft ht FloppyDi ht Magcircu ht Myaddre NewDisks Newlabe Newlabels Newname Overdue REMIND REMINDers addlabels overdue sub_ren